Job Shadowing Vilnius

Between the 12th and 18th of October I spent a wonderful week in Vilnius as part of the CITA teacher exchange project with my host teacher Grazina. As the 2015-10-15 14.42.17primary aim of the project is to get to know each other’s schools and the education system I spent my mornings at Karolinskiu Gymnasium, where I recei
ved a warm welcome both from the teachers and students. It was very interesting and useful to see a CLIL project done in a regular classroom, to find out how students work on it in groups, and to get to know more about the benefits and challenges of such a project. I also had the opportunity to give a short presentation about my school in some of Grazina’s classes, I was really happy to meet her students and really enjoyed talking to them. It is a memorable experience for me.

2015-10-15 13.30.55On Friday and Saturday I took part in the LAKMA conference at the Pedagogical University. The topic of the conference was CLIL and there were several plenaries and smaller presentations on the theory behind CLIC and using it in various ways for language teaching. So managed to collect great ideas that I will be able to use in my teaching.

Besides visiting the school, I manged also to go sightseeing in Vilnius and Trakai. I was really impressed by the beauty of both places and it was fascinating to see how fast the country is developing, how many new buildings are built.

Gulyásné Pusztai, Réka English teacher

Radnóti Gimnázium, Budapest

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